What a challenging few days now. My mood has dropped to a big low. Feeling very despondent and sorry for myself. I don’t know just one disappointment after another and I am not handling it well. I seem to rise higher and higher and almost flying feeling able to cope with anything and that I’ll never be low or crash again. Doing what I need to do with my recovery and god but getting increasingly tired and burning out almost spiralling and spinning out of control in some aspects yet coping so well in others. Is it bipolar or bpd. Who knows. Anyway without trying to rationalise my mood has now dropped my food is horrendous. Binging and purging again. Chaos. Terror and shame. I shall not lean on my own understanding and will therefore trust in The Lord with all my heart and believe this will pass. I will recover. I am deserving of recovery and this is not my fault. Thank god I walk by faith not sight. Praise god indeed. Xx